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Program za strane turiste u Astronomskom centru Rijeka

Tehnologija/znanost, 05.06.2013. (06:17)

Rijeka sport d.o.o., koji upravlja Astronomskim centrom Rijeka, i ovu turističku sezonu pripremio je program za strane turiste u periodu od 5. lipnja do 11. rujna 2013. godine.

Program će se održavati u digitalnom planetariju svake srijede s početkom u 19 sati, a prikazivat će se novi film Carstvo svjetlosti (Realm of light) na engleskom jeziku. Isti film moguće je vidjeti i na drugim stranim jezicima: njemačkom, francuskom, ruskom i španjolskom. Film traje 25 minuta. Cijena ulaznica: djeca, studenti, umirovljenici i osobe s invaliditetom 10,00 te odrasli 20,00 kuna.

Carstvo svjetlosti je film koji nas zadivljujućim i do sada neviđenim slikama odvodi na jedinstveno putovanje kroz Svemir i vrijeme te ujedno svjedoči o životu i njegovoj evoluciji od Velikog praska od modernog doba. S obzirom da je snimljen za prikazivanje na kupoli digitalnog planetarija (360°), doživljaj gledanja je mnogostruko jači. Djelo je fenomenalna avantura nadahnuta poezijom i predivnim glazbenim i zvučnim efektima, koji će Vam pružiti nezaboravno iskustvo gledanja filma u planetariju. Film Carstvo svjetlosti osvojio je mnoge nagrade na eminentnim festivalima za prikazivanje filmova u planetariju kao što su Domefest (SAD), Immersive Film Festival (Portugal), Fulldome Festival (Njemačka) i International Planetarium Movie Festival (Južna Koreja).

Osim redovnog program za strane turiste moguće je organizirati i izvanredna prikazivanja filmova i/ili live prezentacije od utorka do subote tijekom cijelog dana na engleskom jeziku u digitalnom planetariju. Izdvajamo neke od filmova koje možete pogledati Kaluoka'hina – začarani greben, Dotaknuti rub Svemira, Pogled na planete i Utrka do Zemlje. Ovisno o vremenskim uvjetima, svi posjetitelji mogu uživati u promatranju zvijezda kroz teleskop u zvjezdarnici (subota navečer).

Rijeka Sport Ltd., which manages the Astronomical Center Rijeka, has prepared a program for foreign tourists during this year’s tourist season, starting from June 5th until September 11th, 2013.

The program will take place in the digital planetarium every Wednesday at 7:00 PM and it will feature a new film called “Realm of Light”, narrated in English. The film can also be watched in other languages: German, French, Russian and Spanish. Its duration is 25 minutes. Ticket prices: children, students, senior citizens and disabled - 10.00 Kuna; regular price - 20.00 Kuna.

“Realm of Light” is a film that will amaze the audience with previously unseen images and take them on a unique journey through space and time, and through the evidence of life and its evolution from the Big Bang to the modern era. Considering that the film was custom made for projections at 360-degree digital planetarium domes, the viewing experience is much stronger. “Realm of Life” is a phenomenal adventure intertwined with poetry, beautiful music and sound effects, and the audience will have the opportunity of an unforgettable experience of watching it in the planetarium. The film has won many awards at renowned dome projection film festivals such as Domefest (USA), Immersive Film Festival (Portugal), Fulldome Festival (Germany), and the International Planetarium Movie Festival (South Korea).

Except for this regular part of the program for foreign tourists, it is possible to organize additional projections or screenings between Tuesday and Saturday, in all timeslots during the day, in English. There are a few films worth highlighting, such as “Kaluoka´hina - Vicious Reef”, “Touching the Edge of the Universe”, “A View on the Planets” and “The Race to the Earth”. Depending on the weather conditions, every visitor can enjoy watching the sky through the telescope on Saturday evenings.

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